Start every week with a plan!
I've created these FREE digital planner pages to help you plan your week.
If you follow along with me on Instagram or have listened to any episodes of my Easy EdTech Podcast, you know that I love to have a plan...
Although I love my Google Calendar and Google Keep, I like having a paper (PDF) option, or at least one I can bring up on a tablet to annotate or have by my side.
So I have something special for you... this document includes:
- a standard daily planner template (page 3)
- weekday templates (pages 4-8)
- weekend templates (pages 9-10)
- a monthly at-a-glance calendar (page 11)
- and a monthly goal setting sheet (page 12) that includes a space to celebrate wins
- you'll also find a few extra pages for notes, contacts and passwords